Changing Something ... my life

I started this blog to tell you what I was and what I want to be... and maybe we are more out there that want to join and succeed ! Suggestions are always welcome !

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Passing through my life

I want to guide you shortly through my life... The first parts aren't interesting but can predict my future:) I guess it is kind of like in forex ( I started trading forex ) :D .

Until I got 7 years old I lived with my grandparents and was happy. Then I knew it was a good time in my life but now I realised it was the best .
* The stories about my present , past and maybe predicting future :) will be mixed since I really consider that feeling don't come in a certain order they flow. *
One of my main considerations in having a good life is represented by the money ( normally everone thinks of this ) but I think more and struggle more than others to obtain them :) He , he , he what can I say I am perseverent. This is what my girlfriend says at least.
Let's get back to the time spent with my grandparents... I can't say more besides the fact that I was a normal child with normal expectations ... go to school have many friends and play all day.
I remember that most of the time was spent playing in a forest around where I lived. I can even remember it was so beautiful I really wish to turn back time only for this.
Everything was good and days were passing without any stress until it was time for me to go to school... 7 years



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